Taubman College

Dr. Vidyarthi Wins Honorable Mention for 2008 Lim Award

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Sanjeev Vidyarthi, M.U.P '06, Ph.D.'08, has been awarded an Honorable Mention for the 2008 Gill-Chin Lim Award for his dissertation entitled "Inappropriate appropriations of planning ideas: Informalizing the formal and Globalizing the Local." The Lim Award committee states the dissertation "present[s] a nuanced analysis of how politics, power, culture, and space are intertwined in the adoption (or subversion) of an alien planning concept."
The Lim Award was created by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Global Planners Educators Interest Group (GPEIG) in recognition of the commitment of Gill-Chin Lim and of the study of humanistic aspects of globalization. The Gill-Chin Lim Award for the Best Dissertation on International Planning recognizes superior scholarship in a doctoral dissertation completed by a student enrolled in an ACSP-member school. The award committee looks for innovative scholarship and perspective that advance the understanding of the diverse processes of international planning in the global context, with a special focus on low-income countries of the "Global South."